Hi guys!
I hope CNY has been a blast for you (minus the homeworks and assignments), its an uplifting festival where families and friends get together to celebrate the start of a lunar new year. Though i would agree the best part is still the 红包 :P
Anyway, ytccco had a 捞鱼生 on the 人日( the seventh-day of CNY ). 2 bowls of 鱼生 is prepared and everyone equipped with their chop sticks; starts the fun.
On a side note, heres a little information about what goes into our 鱼生(:
- Raw fish added, symbolising abundance and excess through the year. 年年有余
- Pomelo or lime is added to the fish, adding luck and auspicious value. 大吉大利
- Pepper is then dashed over in the hope of attracting more money and valuables. 招财进宝
- Oil is poured out, circling the ingredients and encouraging money to flow in from all directions. 一本万利
- Carrots (红萝卜)are added indicating blessings of good luck. 鸿运当头
- Shredded green radish is placed symbolising eternal youth. 青春常驻
- Shredded white radish is added - prosperity in business and promotion at work. 风生水起
- The condiments are finally added.
- Peanut crumbs are dusted on the dish, symbolizing a household filled with gold and silver. 金银满屋
鱼生 (neat form) |